A bright future for Fosse Meadows
A bright future for Fosse Meadows
Future investment to improve and conserve biodiversity at popular nature area Fosse Meadows has been secured through a lease arrangement with Green Circle Nature Regeneration; a not-for-profit organisation.
Blaby District Councillors agreed to the lease arrangements at the recent Full Council meeting through which Green Circle will take over the management of Fosse Meadows for the next two decades.
The organisation is a Community Interest Company, which exists to benefit the community not private stakeholders. Its remit is to conserve and improve the natural environment while maintaining and broadening public access.
It has already been working with the Council on an informal basis for the last 18 months, looking at ways to enhance biodiversity at Fosse Meadows and make it financially sustainable.
Green Circle have used the Community Payback scheme to provide extra hands-on work at the reserve maintaining and improving the site at no additional cost to the Council.
Designated nature zones have been created, leaving areas untouched and protected. This has meant more wildflowers providing a habitat boost for bugs and a feeding bonanza for birds whilst encouraging footfall in a well-managed manner.
By taking on the lease and being more formally involved Green Circle can not only extend such initiatives but also tap into external funding streams which would not be available to the Council.
Nigel Grundy, Blaby District Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets, said: "Fosse Meadows is the jewel in the crown of our nature reserves and as such we want to ensure it is protected for future generations. As a Council we have limited resources in terms of the finances and staff to be able to deliver the improvements we would like to see and which the area deserves.
"Through this lease arrangement with Green Circle, we can maintain our ownership of Fosse Meadows while providing a new way to manage the site with many more opportunities for investment and enhancement."
Posted: Wed, 17 Jul 2024