Financial Information
The Parish Council sets a budget each year and this is largely funded from the Council Tax. Council Tax is charged on each property in a parish, and is seen on your annual Council Tax bill. It is used to fund all the activities that a Parish Council undertakes for the benefit of the community. The County Council, District Council, Police and Fire Service also fund themselves through the Council Tax.
At the end of each financial year, the Parish Council is required, in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, to complete an Annual Return setting out its Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by the Council's Internal Auditor and an External Auditor currently appointed by the government.
Audit - 2017/18 - Notice of Conclusion of Audit (PDF, 552 Kb)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Audit - 2017/18 - AGAR (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
Parish Council AGAR for 2017/18.
Audit - 2017/18 - External Opinion (PDF, 310 Kb)
External Auditor's response to Audit.
Audit - 2017/18 - Final Report and Certificate (PDF, 330 Kb)
External Auditor Final Report and Certificate
Budget and Precept for 2017/18 (PDF, 354 Kb)
The Council's budget for 2017-2018 and the amount of precept set.
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2016/2017 (PDF, 677 Kb)
Notice of conclusion of the External Audit for 2016/2017 and the arrangements for public inspection of the documents.
Annual Return etc Audited (PDF, 4.1 Mb)
The Council's Annual Return including the certificate and comments from the Government-appointed External Auditor.
Notice re public rights (PDF, 1.3 Mb)
Notice of the rights of the public to inspect the accounts of the Council for the year 2016/2017.
Internal Audit Letter (PDF, 308 Kb)
Final letter from the Council's Internal Auditor re the 2016/2017 examination
Annual Report and Accounts 2016/2017 (PDF, 696 Kb)
The Annual Report and Accounts of the Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2017.
Accounts, Final Precept and Budget 2016-17 (PDF, 148 Kb)
The Council's budget for 2016-2017 and the amount of precept set.
Scale of Fees and Charges 2016/17 (MS Word, 28 Kb)
Table of charges for council services including, the cemetery, allotments and use of the sports pitches.
Accounts, Annual, Annual Return 2015/16 - Status (Audited) (PDF, 3.8 Mb)
The Council's Annual Return for 2015/16 including Internal and External Audit sign-off.
Accounts, Annual, Audit Conclusion Notice (PDF, 682 Kb)
The public notice advertising the conculsion of the external audit of the Council's accounts
Accounts, Annual, 2015-16 (PDF, 336 Kb)
Receipts and Payments account for year ended 31 March 2016
Accounts, Annual, Bank Rec 2016 03 31 (PDF, 351 Kb)
Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2016, submitted with the Council's Annual Return for External Audit.
Accounts, Annual, Variance 2015-16 (PDF, 502 Kb)
Statement of variances between the year being reported and the previous year, as submitted for External Audit
Accounts, Annual, Statement of Electors Rights 2015/2016 (PDF, 618 Kb)
Statement of Elector's Rights to examine the accounts for 2015/16.
Accounts, Annual, Statement re Unaudited Accounts 2015-2016 (PDF, 268 Kb)
Public notice advising that the Council's annual accounts for 2015/2016 have not been subject to External Audit and may be changed.
Accounts, Annual, Annual Return 2014-2015 (PDF, 7.5 Mb)
The Council's Annual return for 2014-2015
Accounts, Annual, Receipts and Payments Account for 2014-2015 (PDF, 596 Kb)
Repeits and Payments Account for the year ended 31 March 2015
Accounts, Annual, Bank Rec 2015 03 31 (MS Word, 26 Kb)
Bank reconciliation as at 31 March 2015, submitted with the annual return for external audit.
Accounts, Annual, Variance 2014-15 (MS Word, 42 Kb)
Statement of variances between the year being reported and the previous year, as submitted for External Audit
Accounts, Annual, Audit Conculsion Notice 2014-2015 (PDF, 735 Kb)
Statement that the External audit of the Council's accounts has been concluded.